This research project used cutting-edge technology in order to understand these three jewels of Mexican architecture from a unique perspective.
Point-cloud of Coixtlahuaca's church
3d scanning point-cloud
The data collected for the development of this research relies on an extensive 3D laser scanning documentation. This scanning yielded a point cloud which was processed in the computer for analysis. The starting point was "cleaning" the point clouds so we could see the vaults individually. Then we transformed the point cloud to be read in a program called Rhinoceros and a "plug-in" called "Pointools for Rhino".
The delineation of arcs process aimed to recreate the design process that the master builders of these Mexican vaults whould have followed. Point clouds were visualized on the vertical and the horizontal projection, with multiple sections made on the point clouds (one for each arc) to find the geometry of the ribs in elevation.
This process helped to find the geometry of each of the vaults and all its peculiarities, and provided precise digital models capable of capturing a large amount of the vaults’ details including the constructive solutions and the geometry of important stone elements.